Public Speaking

In November I offered my partner and I to be apart of a women’s conference called Overcom(h)er. Kristi and I are going to speak about dream jobs, following those dreams, and how to make it happen financially.  I always find writing things down and then going back to them later helps. I can’t work last minute. I do much better planning months ahead and slowly working at it. Here are my random notes about following your dreams for my speech that is MONTHS away.


Introduction of some sorts:

You never know how successful/amazing you can be until you are thrown into that situation without any way to get back
How can I say this so confidently to you?
I’ve done it on a major scale four times. I was lucky enough to live all around the world as a child and I understand what it is like to be thrown into something unknown. A new country, new school, new house, city and new friends.
Taking the plunge to go after your dream is a scary thought. The unknown is usually people’s biggest fear, what if I fail comes in right behind that, the third question is how do even start
I like to address the second question first
“What if I fail”. Surround yourself with the smartest people you know and start talking to them about it. The more you verbalize your thoughts the more concrete they become. The other amazing thing is smart people will tell you how to make your idea even bigger, better, more successful or impact more people.
How do I even start- most of you might be thinking money. I say start smaller, if this is your dream job your passion will start taking over once you get the small things figured out. The best place to start is what is your mission? Write it down if you know it, if not focus on this for a while. What is your vision? To be a bad ass…duh! No seriously, do you want to supply the world with the best home made lemonade to be able to purchase new books for the library like my kids? Maybe you want to have a clothing line that only carries basic shirts but they are the softest best quality shirts made here in the USA and every American between the ages 16-55 owns one.
  • After the mission and vision the fun part starts, THE NAME and branding. Everyone grab your phones and open up the notes app. That little check on the bottom click it now type the first word you think of that describes your dream job. Keep on adding to this list. Don’t ever delete them, just check the box next to the ones you LOVE. Now you need to search of that name is even available for a business license and IG. Are you feeling butterflies in your stomach, jittery like you just had 5 double espressos from cafe smitten! Good!!! You are passionate about your dream and go jump off that cliff.
Dream job isn’t just one that brings in $$ it can be making an impact on some ears life and that is what LVL Fitness is for me. I am so thankful for Kristi’s dream of opening a fitness studio so my dream of helping others follow their dreams could come true!
I could talk about branding/dreams for a whole week! That’s not what this session is for, so call me and I will talk your ear off
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