A Strong Language Foundation

My go to graph while working as an elementary school speech-language pathologist was the hierarchy of  discrete language processing skills. I continue to use this daily with my children. When I look for new apps I like to find ones that build on this skill.  Tiny Hands has several apps that I love just for this!


Kids Puzzles Sorting 3 is great to work on SORTING! We do tons of sorting tasks daily (cleaning up toys, playing with rocks, laundry, the list goes on and on!) I love to teach sorting based on size and color as this task is so easy to do with any materials.

Playing on the iPad is a great independent activity but I love to use it as an opportunity to talk about what is happening. I then  allow King Cutie some independent time on it. I limit the iPad to 20-30 minutes daily.


Examples of language you can evoke while playing with this sorting app:

Discuss who flies in a rocket ship, where it travels, what sounds it makes when it takes off, etc

Where could we see penguins, what type of climate do they live in, how penguins move, etc.

What size is the truck, what the man is wearing, what colors can you spy shapes, what sizes of shapes can you spy. Play a naming game around the room of shapes and colors!

Name the function (what do we use it for) of the kitchen items,  What could you store in the bottles, etc.

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