5 Best Eco Friendly Laundry Detergents

Have you ever heard how many chemicals are in your laundry detergent? And then you sleep in your sheets or wear your clothing all day. The first thing a dermatologist recommended to me was to change my laundry detergent when my daughter was having sensitive skin!

Every single day you are exposing yourself to more chemicals by using big name laundry brands and it is building up in your body till one day you have a reaction. The good news, though, is that choosing a different laundry detergent is an easy way to make a difference. So if you’re trying to avoid chemicals in your everyday life, here are the 5 best laundry detergents to consider:

1. Clean People Laundry Detergent

Clean People Laundry Detergent was our favorite detergent by far. It contains all the stain fighting power with none of the extra fillers and enzymes. Also it comes in a small paper box. There was literally NO PLASTIC in the order. The gentle detergent formula cleans your clothes and isn’t putting more plastic into the environment.

I have never been more impressed with Laundry Detergent before. This was the easiest plastic free switch I have done. 

Buy it here.

EDIT: You can save 10% off any purchase at CLEAN PEOPLE with coupon code: NEW.


2. Molly Suds Laundry Detergent

Molly Suds Laundry Detergent is our #2 spot.  Like #1 Clean People, Molly Suds is made from safe, natural ingredients.  While Clean People is a strip, Molly Suds is a laundry powder.  We loved that we could order it online and not be paying to ship water across the country which is a good eco friendly choice!

Buy it here

3. Thrive Market Laundry Detergent

Thrive Laundry Detergent in lavender has a wonderful aroma. It is great that it is a powder but it still has a plastic bag. I liked the lavender aroma but Molly Suds cleaned slightly better on my stain test. Also you have to be a member and if you aren’t already it is a big turn off!

Buy it here


4. Seventh Generation Laundry Detergent

7th generation is a brand we have all heard of. I love that they are starting to be more ecofriendly and have a cardboard bottle! BIG disclaimer is that inside the cardboard bottle is plastic. You have to pull it out of the bottle before recycling the cardboard. But this is a big step.

Buy it here.

 5. Method Laundry Detergent

You can’t talk about laundry without mentioning Method, which has was one of the first cleaner laundry detergents out there. They have a super concentrated line, which although is in plastic is in a super small plastic bottle.

Buy it here.

1 Comment
  1. I have been using clean people for 3 years now. I love this detergent. It works well on stains . I’m so glad I am no longer using the big plastic jugs. This business cares about our world.

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