4th of July Swaps

Fun Food Can Be Nourishing: 4th of July Swaps from a Mom’s Point of View
Hey there, fellow moms! As we gear up for our 4th of July celebrations, I wanted to share some thoughts on making our festive foods a little less toxic and a bit more nourishing. I know, I know—celebrations are meant to be fun, and stressing over food isn’t fun. But don’t worry, it’s all about balance!

Fun food can be nourishing. Celebrations don’t have to tax our bodies. Annnnd it’s one day of the year so don’t stress yourself out. Stress is toxic. You know my motto—do what you can, with what you’re able, and as it makes sense for you.

Here’s a round-up of some great (not always completely perfect—we’re ALLT, not perfectionists 😅) options for your summertime gatherings and 4th of July BBQ. When possible, I opt for ingredient transparency, simpler, real food ingredients. Thankfully, those options are becoming more and more available as we, the consumers, continue to shift the market with our purchases 🙏🏼💪🏼🙌🏼

Meat Swaps for a Healthier BBQ
Swap 1:

Avoid: Oscar Mayer Classic Beef Franks (CAFO beef, additives, “flavors,” nitrites)
Opt for: Applegate Organic Beef Hot Dogs (100% grass-fed, pasture-raised)
Swap 2:

Avoid: Kirkland Ground Beef Patties (CAFO beef)
Opt for: Teton Waters Ranch Uncured Beef Hot Dogs (100% grass-fed, pasture-raised)
Swap 3:

Opt for: Kirkland 100% Grass-Fed Beef Patties (100% grass-fed, pasture-raised)
Opt for: Force of Nature Grass-Fed Beef Patties (100% grass-fed, pasture-raised)
Products and brands change over time. It’s best practice to always “put the thang down, flip it and reverse it” aka turn it around and read the actual ingredients so you make informed choices for yourself, your family, and your wallet.

Remember, it’s all about making small changes that work for you. Enjoy your celebrations, keep it balanced, and have a fantastic 4th of July!

Happy grilling, everyone!

This mom’s guide is brought to you by the love of healthy eating and the joy of stress-free celebrations.

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